GO Sustainable Project gets funded for Stage 2

Published on Monday, 26 March 2018 at 3:13:16 PM

GO Sustainable is a medium term project to transition Council facilities to renewable energy reducing power drawn from the grid.

Carbon Neutral was contracted to complete a Carbon Inventory for 2015-16 which identified that electricity usage accounts for almost a quarter (22%) of Council’s total carbon emissions, specifically 266.73 (t CO2-e) of the total corporate emissions of 1208.84 (t CO2-e).

In 2015-16 Council run facilities generated 321,363kw power from the grid.

Council will carry out transition to solar pv systems over the next five years, targeting the highest consuming sites first.

Site                                                                  Units (kw)                  

Goomalling Sport & Community Centre        63,188.67

Caravan Park                                                   62,244.9

Community Centre (total)                              20,715

Swimming Pool                                               18,818

Admin Building                                               17,781

Recreation Ground – Large dam                    14,975

Slater Homestead                                           8,921

White Street sewerage dam                           7,991

Sporting Complex                                           7,471

Town Hall                                                        6,874


Shire of Goomalling is one of four successful Wheatbelt Councils in the "Improve and Inspire" category of the Wheatbelt NRM 2017 Sustainable Community Grants. The funding program will support stage two of the GO Sustainable project which encompasses installation of solar pv systems to the caravan park and administration building due for completion 30 June 2018.

The project aligns with Goomalling Community Strategic Plan 2013 outcomes N1.2 Encourage the investigation of renewable energy generation technologies in the Shire and N1.4 Perform sustainable resource use and land management practices.

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