Goomalling Community OpShop News

Published on Monday, 26 March 2018 at 1:11:52 PM

Goomalling Opshop is a not-for-profit community group that works to ensure less resources go to landfill; and provide small grants for community groups and initiatives. There weren’t many grants distributed during 2015/16 and 2016/17 due to the committee focusing on investing funds to contribute to a youth space; and a low volume of sponsorship requests.

Opshop profits since July 2017 is $2497

Due to that lack of grants the opshop accumulated a small sum and has been able to contribute to some great projects.

Funding allocations


  • Opshop NAIDOC Week 2018 $1000
  • SHCS – Carols by Candlelight $500
  • Goomalling Hospital – chair $1000
  • Goomalling Community Garden - $1000
  • Youth Week WA $1000


  • NAIDOC Week 2018 $1000

Funding pre-allocated for large infrastructure project

  • $10,000 towards new youth space

New opening days

Monday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Welcome + Thank you

Welcome to our newest volunteer Margaret Rowles, time is valuable and we are grateful that she has chosen to share hers with us.

Thank you to our long standing volunteers Louise Barker and Sharon Rodgers for their continued dedication.

Volunteers needed

In order for there to be profits for community initiatives the opshop relies entirely on the generosity of our volunteers.

Volunteering is a great way to be of service and the retail environment provides volunteers the opportunity to meet local people, build new skills and gain work experience.

For more information about requesting sponsorship or volunteering, please contact Tahnee Bird, Community Development Officer or 08 9629 1101.

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