Lotterywest grant success for Pioneers' Pathways

Published on Tuesday, 17 March 2020 at 10:08:42 AM

We are pleased to inform you that the Shire of Goomalling has been successful in securing grant funding for improvements to the Pioneers’ Pathway for $82,458.

Pioneers’ Pathway is a self-drive historical trail starting from either Toodyay or Merredin and traveling through Goomalling, Dowerin, Wyalkatchem, Trayning and Nungarin.  The seven shires collectively develop and market the Pioneers’ Pathway product to the tourism sector with the objective of enhancing economic activity in the participating communities.

The seven shires have identified one site of local significance which complements their local “story” along the trail.   The Lotterywest funding will cover the cost of new branded signage and interpretation that depicts the story.  Shire of Goomalling has selected Slater Homestead and the Slater family as the first pioneering story to supplement the already beautiful precinct.

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