Restricted Burning Period

Published on Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 11:42:54 AM


During the Restricted Burning Period a permit is required before any burning can take place. A permit will only be issued for broadacre crop preparation or mitigation activities that reduce a fire hazard on a property where no alternative method exists to reduce the hazard. Conditions will apply to the permit stipulating how the burning will be carried out. Any special conditions imposed by the issuing officer must be strictly adhered to. Permits are not valid on: any Sunday, Public Holiday or any Saturday where the preceding Friday or following Monday is a Public Holiday (i.e. long weekend); when the fire danger rating is HIGH or above; or when DFES imposes a Total Fire Ban.

Camping/Cooking Fires and Burning of Garden
Refuse and Burning of Rubbish

The burning of garden refuse and rubbish and lighting of camping or cooking fires is prohibited during the Prohibited Burning Period. During the Restricted Burning Period a wheelbarrow sized pile of garden refuse may be burnt on the ground between 6.00PM and 11.00PM except: on days of a HIGH Fire Danger Rating or above; on any Sunday or Public Holiday; or on days when a Total Fire Ban is declared by The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). An area of 5 meters must be cleared all around the site of the fire and at least one adult must remain in attendance during the whole time that the fire is burning and until it is
completely extinguished prior to midnight. Any permitted burning must comply with all relevant requirements.

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