Information and forms for businesses

Are you an existing or potential small business owner or manager in Goomalling? The Shire can help you find out what some of your building, legal and environmental health obligations are. Check this page and the environmental health and building pages for the information or form you need and/or contact our Environmental Health Officer/Building Surveyor Linton Thomas on (08) 9629 1101 or  for more information.


If your business has anything to do with food, please see the food premises notification form.

The I'M ALERT Food Safety interactive Online training is available at It is free and takes no more than 2 hours to do and if you finish it and complete the assessment you can print out a certificate for your records. Under the Food Safety Standards Australia New Zealand Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements, owners of food businesses are responsible for making sure that people who handle food or food contact surfaces in their business, and the people who supervise this work, have the skills and knowledge they need to handle food safely.

Linton Thomas
Principal Environmental Health Officer for the Shire of Goomalling
Mobile: 0427 413 060 Email: