Complaints register

An Elected Member commits a minor breach if he or she contravenes the Local Government Act (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007.   In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, a complaint of a minor breach is submitted to the Local Government Standards Panel for determination.

The Complaints Register provides details of minor breach complaints which the Local Government Standards Panel finds has occurred and the actions taken. The Complaints Register is published in the interest of accountability and transparency.

Nil complaints received.

Delegations Register

Section 5.42 of the Local Government Act 1995 and several other pieces of legislation allows the delegation of some powers and duties to the CEO, to ensure the efficient and effective operation of the local government. 

Register of Delegations- last reviewed May 2022

Elected Member Training Register

In 2019, changes to the Local Government Act 1995 were passed by Parliament which require all council members to undertake training within the first 12 months of being elected.  The changes have been introduced in recognition of the unique and challenging role that council members have.  The training course, Council Member Essentials, has been developed to provide council members with the skills and knowledge to perform their role as leaders in their district, and comprises:

  • Understanding local government
  • Serving on council
  • Meeting procedures
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Understanding of financial reports and budgets

Elected Member Training Register - last updated 26 April 2022

Financial Interest Register

The Financial Interest Register contains those disclosures of interests that have been made by elected members and staff at Ordinary and Special Meetings.  Interests that need to be declared include financial interests, proximity interests and interests that may affect impartiality.

The Local Government Act 1995 requires the Chief Executive Officer to publish an up-to-date version of the Financial Interests Register on the Council’s website.  Details of disclosures are also recorded in the Council Meeting minutes, which are available on our website.

Gift Register

The Gifts Registers contain those disclosures of gifts that have been made by Elected Members, the Chief Executive Officer and Employees in their official capacity.  The Act and Regulations require the Chief Executive Officer to publish an up-to-date version of the Gifts Register on Council’s website after a disclosure is made.

Register of Gifts and Travel Contributions - last updated 30/06/23

Tender Register

Tender Register 2023-24

Tender Register 2022-23

Tender Register 2021-22

Tender Register 2020-21

Electoral Gifts Register

Nil electoral gifts received.