Nature Play WA

If you’re a parent looking for ideas on how to get your children more involved in outdoor activities in WA, visit for heaps of ideas for activities and adventures in your backyard, around your area, and across Perth and Western Australia.

There are lots of reasons why kids should make the move from the TV or computer room to the outdoors. Probably the best reason is that it’s fun, and you and your kids will be happier and healthier doing things together.

But there are other important considerations. Research undertaken around the world indicates there are real benefits for children being involved in nature. Such research indicates that:

  • children benefit from appropriate risk-taking during outdoor play, by helping them refine their motor skills and gain confidence in being physically active,
  • older children who spend more time outside tend to be more physically active and less likely to be overweight, and
  • school gardens positively affect children’s learning and behaviour, and that students involved in gardening develop a better school attitude, student bonding and teamwork.

Richard Louv, Chair and Co-founder of the Child and Nature Network, argues that part of the problem is the rise in popularity of computer games and television. But he also points out that because of things such as ‘stranger danger’ and sensationalist media reporting, many parents might be scared to let their children take part in traditional outdoor activities such as bushwalking, camping and excursions.

Visit for some fantastic suggestions and start planning your next outdoor adventure now.